Nourishing Homeschool Burnout with Self-Care

How homeschool parents can overcome burnout and stress using self-care.

I glance up at the clock. It’s 2 pm. Oh, no. Not again! Where has the day gone? Dinner in a few hours, I’m cleaning up another mess, and I haven’t even gotten through half our homeschool lessons.  

Unfortunately, this scene happens more than I like to admit. 

Homeschool nourishing with self care using oats and skin care

Is this you too?

Do you find yourself struggling with the day-to-day nuances of juggling homeschool and homemaking tasks?

Do you feel burnt out or like you could throw in the towel at any moment? 

Now, what?

Before you throw in the towel and make a hasty decision that you may regret, ask yourself, “Is there anything I can do to help myself get back on track?”

If you’re unsure of what to do, let these friendly suggestions guide your way out of homeschool burnout and into self-care. 

First of all, I get it. Completely

I’ve been doing this homeschool homemaking thing for over eight years now. I’ve experienced burnout in many areas of life, including when I taught public school. Burnout as a “paid” educator is no fun place to be mentally or physically. 

When life starts to head downhill, I go back to the basics and start with self-care. 

Here’s what to do when things go wrong.

Journaling for self care.

Just like any job, homeschooling comes with good and bad days.

Each day has a different feel than the day before. No matter how much planning and foresight I put into my daily schedule, I have times when I reflect upon the end of my day and wonder what went wrong. 

Journaling is suited to various meanings.

Journaling can be as simple as taking notes to check in with thoughts, feelings, or actions, whether via pencil and paper or voice notes. The choice is up to you. Spare the details or don’t, be sure to choose what is the best option for you.

To learn more about the benefits of Journaling as Self-Careclick here.

When I decided to take note of my thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the day, I became aware of my stressors and triggers—enabling me to visualize a plan and a new way to take care of myself and our homeschool needs. 

Homeschool Help and Topics for homeschool burnout

Breathwork and or Mediation

Mediation can be as simple as carving 5 minutes out of your day to turn inward or as long as you’d like to spend time in your own space. Mediation or breathwork teaches us and trains the body to slow down and give our bodies the recharge and energy it needs to meet the demands of our busy schedule. 

Prayers, Affirmations, Gratitude

Yes, affirmations and prayers are two very different words with different meanings, feelings, and connotations altogether. However, I don’t see it this way. I like to combine all three in one. 

For example.

I am grateful for all the love that surrounds me today, etc. I am thankful for being able to homeschool my children. Lord, help me be a positive light for my children and teach them diligently to learn and is conducive to their needs. I am an excellent teacher. I am doing my best to keep a clean house and meet all my children’s learning styles. I enjoy homeschooling my children, etc.

Transmute the Negative

When I come across something that isn’t working in my life situation, whether it is a feeling or circumstance, I transmute the negative into a positive. Meaning, I look for the good in the bad of any problem, emotion, or situation. 

Okay, yeah, we will be 15 minutes late for co-op today, but you know what? Maybe we bypassed a terrible traffic situation. Or. Yes! I get out of cleaning this up today because now I don’t have time to make breakfast. Breakfast on the go!

Visualization and Intentions

Intentions are a great way to start your day or task. I set my intentions at the beginning of the day, then I take a few relaxing breaths and visualize my intentions. 

Visualization is the formation of visual images. For example, I look at our schedule for the day and visualize how today will play out and possible situations that may arrive. Then determine where I can transmute any adverse problems or thoughts along within our day. 

Visualizing in your mind’s eye may not be as easy for some. If this is you, talk your way through your thoughts. Speak out loud to yourself as you run through your day and jot down anything that may be a problem, or you can choose to focus on jotting down the positives of the upcoming day or situations. 

Back to Basics

When I’m at my wit’s end, I like to stop and reflect on why we as a family decided to homeschool in the first place. I remind myself, I’m not doing this for me. I’m doing this for my children. 

Additionally, I examine our curriculum choices, co-op classes, and extra activities to rule out any stressor. I’m no stranger to changing the curriculum or opting out of activities if need be. I like to keep myself as comfortable as possible. I try not to wear myself thin to avoid potential burnout. 

Homeschool self help for burnout women looking out mountains

To sum up.

What’s important to remember is self-care. 

Only you can be responsible for your self-care and determine what self-care looks like for you. When we as homeschool homemakers feel stressed, overwhelmed, and tired, it shows, and unfortunately, those around us notice. 

It’s our responsibility to take care of so many things in our day-to-day job, but the most important thing to remember is you: your mental, physical and emotional well-being. 

Journaling, mediation, prayer, and so on are all forms of self-care. Even hiding in the kitchen away from the kids to eat a treat is an act of self-care. 

Be patient with yourself and understand that there is a season, time, and place for each phase of your life. 


The times you feel on top of things and equally recognize that you can’t do everything. 


It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to take time for yourself, hiring a sitter or even a tutor, and it will all be okay. Who’s game for a night out or a long bath? Words I like to hear!

Treat Yo’Self!


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