When I started homeschooling my children, I fell in love with the idea of freedom—the freedom to plan our schedule and curriculum. However, the concept of freedom sounded more straightforward than it seemed.
I dove headfirst into purchasing curriculum before I learned to swim. Instead of deschooling and taking the time to get to know myself and my children. As a result, I bought the wrong curriculum and struggled to teach my children using that curriculum.
If you struggle to find the best homeschool curriculum. You are not alone. This post addresses any homeschooling struggles parents have associated with curriculum and instruction. Don’t continue to struggle in your homeschool journey. Learn all there is to know about the 7 mind-blowing learning styles of students to get you started on your journey today.
Secondly, understanding your child’s dominant learning style and how to apply this learning style theory is critical. In determining the best curriculum for your child’s homeschool needs. But, first. What is deschooling?
What is deschooling?
Deschooling is the adjustment period or disconnect period a child goes through when leaving a typical brick and mortar setting to begin homeschooling.
We live in a social world with social norms. As parents, sometimes it’s hard to identify with the learning process of today’s society. We, as parents, don’t realize that when we send our children to a public school system to learn. We are not receiving a clear picture of how this learning will occur in and what type of environment.
Deschooling is an important part of the Homeschool 101 process for several reasons. Most importantly, for a child to maximize their homeschool experience. Decompression and disconnecting from the ridged standardized ways an instituted school system provides is needed.
To find out more about the deschooling process, click here! For more information.
After that little hiccup of impatience. I started our deschooling process and learned how my children liked to learn. Next, I purchased the best curriculum suited to my children’s learning styles. Before we discuss the learning styles of students. Are you new to homeschooling?
Start your homeschool journey right.
If you are new to homeschooling. Then welcome! I’d like to send you a free digital download to help you get started on your homeschooling journey. Use this 6 Tips to Homeschool Success guide to understand if homeschooling is right for you. Click here to receive a free download.
Secondly, are you struggling with using your current curriculum? Then, continue reading. In this post. I will discuss what learning styles are. The different types of learning styles theory. Lastly, how to identify which one fits your child’s needs?
Finally, why knowing how your child learns is the easiest way to save time and money. Before purchasing your next curriculum. Be sure to read until the end. You don’t want to miss out on this awesome Learning Styles quiz.
Let’s dive into understanding what learning style types are.
Theories of Learning Known as Learning Styles Types
Different learning styles are a popular teaching topic discussed in most educational systems today. When attending school workshops as a public school teacher. How to close achievement gaps and reach every student based on their individual needs are often discussed.
However. Often, school districts purchase curricula based on the theory of meeting state standards and not how a child learns best from the curriculum presented. I can’t tell you how often I saw children become bored with the learning process.
Did you know that?
A typical classroom curriculum is established on state curriculum standards? Which outlines what students are supposed to learn based on adopted state standards for each course and grade level. Yes. I didn’t know this either. Until I became a teacher.
Most importantly, it’s then up to the teacher to teach each student according to the state standards. Using the designated curriculum each state and local school district provides. Subsequently, only allowing each teacher to teach the curriculum to meet state and district standards. Within the parameters of two typical learning styles.
So, what are the types of learning styles of students? Or learning styles theory, you ask?
What is the learning styles theory?
Learning styles theory is the concept that we all learn differently. Based on our unique style of learning. There are multiple learning styles covered in this theory. However. Typically, each person has one dominant learning style leading the way. Followed by another learning style in a close second.
For this purpose of understanding. I want to focus on only a person’s dominant learning style.
The theory
This theory is taught to us as conventional school educators. The idea of knowing an individual’s preferred style of learning will dramatically improve the student’s retention of new skills.
Learning styles include but are not limited to one style, but a combination of
- visual (or spatial, retain information by viewing images)
- kinaesthetic (physically manipulating information)
- aural (auditory learning by hearing)
- social (learning with others by back and forth participation)
- solitary (working alone on intrapersonal dialogue)
- verbal (linguistic learners respond to the written word or word manipulation)
- logical (use logical structure, fact-based data, concrete concepts)
It is important to note that although a student displays a predominant style of learning. We as educators should not put our students into a box. But provide a combination of different learning styles to each student. To obtain better results.
That being said. Some school districts allow teachers to focus on every learning style for every individual student in the classroom. Depending on the class size and curriculum.
However, for the most part, a typical lesson focuses on teachers teaching learners who are visual and auditory learners. Larger curriculums are designed with a typical learner in mind. Furthermore, they can sometimes miss other learning styles. Including sensory needs
Theory with Sensory Input
Additionally, children need room to grow and develop sensory needs and skills. Sensory needs and learning styles go hand and hand. As a special education teacher, I must ensure all sensory needs are met in the classroom. This includes any student’s need for sensory input.
Sensory toys for the classroom are a great way to incorporate sensory needs in a small classroom space.
I create The Busy Home sensory toys to do just that. Reducing stress in a safe space is just a click away. Watch as your student relax and continue learning as they stretch and pull stress away. Not in a classroom. Don’t worry. Homeschool students enjoy sensory input too.
Shop The Busy Home Sensory Products here!
Use sensory toys to get creative outside or in your own home. Homeschooling homemakers can create a sensory safe space within the home. Incorporate sensory time into their daily schedule today. To learn more about the benefits of sensory toys. Click here and start incorporating sensory input into your homeschooling block schedule. To enhance the learning process and hear to your child’s learning needs.
More on learning styles theory
In other words, to best understand how a curriculum works. Also, how to teach said curriculum. Teachers must know how each student learns best.
Side note. The theory of understanding a student’s learning style is a great concept. However. Tailoring learning styles to meet individual needs is hard in a large classroom setting. Certainly, giving cause for parents to be concerned that their child’s education is maybe inadequate.
In short. Something to keep in mind when considering homeschooling. A conventional school setting does not tailor its curriculum to your child. Your child is tailored to the curriculum.
Reason number one thousand why we homeschool. Not only am I able to watch my children grow. But I can adapt any curriculum to their learning style. While continuing the same process as they grow.
Let’s look at what is meant by learning styles.
What are learning styles?
Our brains attune to the world differently. We all have ways to perceive and learn about the world around us. To bring balance, harmony, and functionality into a changing world. We as people must express ourselves the best way we can.
As young children grow into young adults. They look up to those around them to provide guidance, stability, and direction. To help them to grow into their uniqueness.
The best way to teach our children to navigate the world around them is to understand how they learn and function in their daily environment.
Learning styles refer to a person’s method of making sense of the world around them through their five senses.
Each learning style captures a learner’s ability to retain information. However, typically, one method (style) of learning leads the way. A second learning style followed closely behind.
Most importantly, we are almost to the good stuff. Where I will share my learning style quiz link with you. Let’s take a closer look to determine which learning styles of students are preferred by your child.
How do I know which learning style my child prefers?
As previously discussed, we each respond to learning new material differently.
As instruction occurs. Some students might need to touch and feel items. Or perhaps work hands-on with new material. To understand how to put what is taught into use. Some might be great visual learners and need to see several examples before understanding.
And so on. You get the idea.
We all retain information differently and understand the world differently.
Understanding and knowing how your homeschooler learns will render any homeschool parent the tools needed to pick out a curriculum based on their child’s domina learning style. So, how do I pick out a curriculum successfully?
Now, what curriculum do I choose?
I am assuming homeschooling is the route you have decided to take. If not, don’t forget to download my free resource, 6 Steps to Homeschool Success, to help you on your journey today.
In short, now that you’ve understood all the ways your child can learn. You know what learning styles are. But maybe wondering which learning style suits your child or curriculum to choose.
The answer is simple, get to know your child.
First, play games with your child. Try sample worksheets, learning games, outdoor activities, etc., until you discover how your child learns. Deschooling is what this process is called.
Getting to know your child and how they learn. Including how you learn and what you can handle. As far as your child’s education is concerned. Are all part of the path of Homeschooling 101. As well as determining if homeschooling is right for you and your family.
To learn more about this process called deschooling, click here. Or listen about this process in my Homeschool 101 course. This course is designed with homeschooling parents in mind. It will help you answer any questions about homeschooling and where to start. Click the link and start learning if homeschooling is right for you.
If work leaves no time for one-on-one interaction with your children. No problem. I’ve got you covered. Here’s that quiz I promised! Take this learning styles quiz to find out your child’s dominant learning style.
It only takes a few minutes, and results will be given right away. Feel free to take this quiz to discover your learning style as well. Use these results to start your homeschool curriculum research.
Second, once you determine your child’s dominant learning style, google curricula for that learning style.
Homeschool Curriculum
For example, Google homeschool curriculum for visual learners. Ask for or download samples of that curriculum to try out if one doesn’t appear on the site. Try heading to half-price books or any used homeschool curriculum site to save money.
It never hurts to try the curriculum before you buy it. Additionally, don’t hesitate to return the curriculum if it doesn’t work for you. There are several free resources and websites to choose from if finances are an issue.
Never feel afraid to return curriculum or switch curriculum during the school year. Learning to learn is the ultimate goal of the education process.
If it breaks the bank and stresses you out. Then don’t buy it and continue to use it. Take time and decide for yourself. Remember, homeschooling is a journey and a process. With each year, you get better and better.
If you are still struggling to understand how your child is learning, click here for a free 30-Minute Consultation where you can Ask Me Anything to see how I can best help.
More Curriculum Ideas
In conclusion, and just a friendly reminder.
The goal of every homeschool family is to teach your child how to learn. Not what to learn. The easiest way to teach your child new skills is to start with how your child learns and understand that learning styles may change over time.
Don’t forget! Homeschooling is a learning process. Please, consider that you, as the educator, learn new skills based on your unique learning style.
Taking how you as the teacher learn and how your child learns into account, you’ve created a great start to homeschool success. The journey of homeschooling starts with you.